Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Girls night out...

My girlfriend from work invited a bunch of us girls to go to her Lia Sophia jewelry party tonight. Being the supportive co-workers that we are, we accepted her invite and thought we'd make a night of it by going out for dinner before heading over. The jewelry was pretty nice for costume jewelry albeit a little pricey. They had a necklace/bracelet set that matched perfectly with the outfit I had on, but it would have put me over budget - even with the buy one at regular, get two at 1/2 deal. So I opted for a couple pairs of earrings and necklace extenders instead - came to just under $50 including tax and shipping. Although these types of parties (or should I say money pits) aren't really my cup of tea, I had fun spending time with everyone outside of work. We should really try to do this more often - the dinner and drink part, that is. ;o)

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