Saturday, August 2, 2008

Coverup for the ugly freezer

What to do with a freezer that works perfectly but looks like hell...and buying a new one is not an option.

A convenient solution for a lot of folks would be to put it in the basement, great idea but ours isn't accessible from inside the house. Next best solution for us, has been to hide it in the garage out of sight! This would've worked better if our garage were attached to the house, but it isn't. With another CNY winter right around the corner, it was time to move it indoors. And really, who wants to run out to the garage or down to the basement to pull out a couple dinner rolls anyways?

The top of the door was in the best condition with just a few little rust spots. So step 1 was to have hubby give it a fresh coat of appliance epoxy spray paint. We would have just painted the rest of it and called it a day if it weren't for the dings, dents and floppy motor housing door that doesn't latch properly. As it was, a coverup was the only viable solution.

Haven't seen these tools in at least a year... I think I remember what I'm doing. Can't screw up this cut so I measure and re-measure multiple times. ;o)

It's all coming back to me now... I sewed 2 rows of basting stiches and then pulled to gather.

Next step was to add the band. It took a little more time than expected to get the gathered piece to be the same length as the band and to make sure the gathers were evenly spread out over the entire piece.

Last step was to attach the skirt with sticky Velcro squares. It's basically done at this point but I'm going to go back tomorrow and sew the squares to the fabric for extra support as I'm not sure they will actually stay stuck. This was a fun rainy day project - and for a total cost of about $20, we now have the convenience of having a freezer in the kitchen.

Before pic:

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